To God... Thank you for providing me all I needed to complete this part of my journey.
To my wife, Shea Alicia... You are my rock, my inspiration, my biggest cheerleader. You are my first, my last, my everything. Thanks for supporting my mission to BE better in 2020;
To James "Buddy"/Hazel Lloyd and Bernice (Herring) Woodson and "Daddy" Willie Whitfield... thank you for being examples of work ethic, family values, what being a Lloyd/Whitfield really means
To Ma and Dad... Thank you for making the sacrifices, sharing the life lessons, and the overall support you've provided your children over the years... Thank you for holding me accountable to the "Whitfield Standard".
To My Sister... Thank you for being my running coach, my reminder of what excellence is, and my real life example that what I consider to be impossible, can actually be accomplished. CBW, YOU'RE MY HERO!
To Ms Helena Lazo... Thank you for all you have done to ensure the gravitas I've aimed for is rooted in community, grounded in the current state and driven by a clear understanding of the future state our kids deserve. Gracias mi compadre!
To my Aunties and Uncles... Thank you for pouring into me a bit of yourself, and contributing to the man you see today. I love you more than I you know.
To my Cousins.... thank each of you for being more than family. Thank you for being my friends and inspiration in our journey together.
To the Austin/Spearman Family... Thank you for supporting me on this crazy endeavor. You've been tremendous cheerleaders to the success of this effort. My bonus family for real!
To Mrs Laws... Thank you for teaching me that just being Terry Whitfield was not enough, pushing me to realize there was so much more to me than I knew. That realization in the 6th grade reinforced that "Whitfields are held to a higher standard". Thank you for holding me accountable to that standard.
To my Detroit PAL Westside Broncos Family... Thank you for embedding within me the mindsets of discipline, hard work, competition, and team work... some of the greatest football players in Detroit come from Detroit PAL... Breeding ground for champions
To my University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy Family... Thank you for instilling within me the power of being a "Man for Others". This is the true measure of a successful person. While it took me nine years to appreciate the Jesuit experience, I know I'm a better person because of it. #bandofbrothers
To my Western Michigan University Football Team Brothers... During a time in my life when I gave up my dream of playing college football, you embraced a boy full of doubt, and released back into the world a young man that knew he could accomplish anything. I had the pleasure of playing with some of the world's greatest athletes, being a part of some great teams. #SAYNOW
To my Partnership for Youth/Southwest Detroit partners. You accepted me, you embraced me, you began to see me as a member of this wonderful community. For that, I am forever humbled and grateful.
To the team at The Skillman Foundation.... Thank you for embracing me, supporting me, and providing me the space and opportunity to positively contribute to Foundation's vision for a better Detroit, in service for our children and youth.
To inspirational speakers David Goggins, Eric Thomas, Les Brown, Inky Johnson, and Jocko Willink. Thank you for being the external accelerants that fueled the internal fire within to properly engage in the process of accomplishing this goal.
I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound.
In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Terry & Shea Whitfield